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How to calculate your radiator’s output

How to calculate your radiator’s output

The radiator’s output determines whether it is capable of heating a specific room. This output varies from room to room and depends on the size of the area and the required temperature. That is why the output is calculated separately for each room.

Radiator output calculator

Start by working out the volume of each room by multiplying the length by the width and height of the space. The result is the size of the room in cubic metres.

Then decide on the temperature you require for each room and the required wattage per cubic metre. The recommended temperatures for each room and the corresponding Watts per cubic metre are indicated below:

  • living room and office: 22°C / 85 Watt

  • bedroom: 18°C / 70 Watt

  • kitchen: 20°C / 77 Watt

  • bathroom: 24°C / 93 Watt

Once you have established the volume and the wattage per cubic metre for all of the rooms, multiply the number of cubic metres for all rooms by the number of Watts per cubic metre. The result is an estimate of your radiator's output. If you would like a higher or lower temperature, you can correct the output by adding or deducting ten percent per two degrees Celsius.

Product Configuration tool

Can you choose your radiator now? Bear in mind that other factors need to be considered too, such as the insulation in your home, the type of house and the number of windows. For even more precision, you can always use Vasco's Product Configuration tool. It’ll save you a lot of calculation time! The tool calculates the necessary wattage per room and then selects radiators that match this output.