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Energy Plus

Ventilation system D non-residential

Vasco Energy Plus stands for the smart and sustainable ventilation of larger private spaces, public or commercial buildings. Energy Plus units are also ideal for application in schools that do not have a proper ventilation system. By incorporating the unit in a suspended ceiling in the corridor, three to four classrooms can be ventilated without any modifications in the classrooms themselves. A limited pipe system and a few wall diffusers are sufficient to provide the classrooms with fresh air and maintain the CO₂ level.

Ventilation typeWith heat recovery
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Product information

  • Ventilation units for floor or ceiling mounting:
    • ENY-P1-Floor up to 720 m³/h*
    • ENY-P2-Floor up to 1150 m³/h*
    • ENY-P3-Floor up to 1700 m³/h*
    • ENY-P4-Floor up to 2600 m³/h*
    • ENY-P1 Ceiling up to 720 m³/h*
    • ENY-P2 Ceiling up to 1150 m³/h*
    • ENY-P3 Ceiling up to 1700 m³/h*
    • ENY-P4 Ceiling up to 2600 m³/h*
  • High-quality galvanised metal casing
  • The efficiency and low energy consumption contribute to a favourable E-level reduction
  • Low noise level due to quiet and economical DC fans
  • Front access filters with F7 air filter for both fresh air supply and polluted indoor air exhaust. Filter class EN779-ISO16890:
    • F7 = ePM1 55%
  • Bypass for optimum comfort feeling (free heating and free cooling)
  • Maximum flexibility: software-based reversibility of air flows
  • Various operating options:
  • Includes wired CO₂ contact (demand control),
  • Includes wired Modbus contact (home automation),
  • Optionally via wired control panel with display

* the specified air flow rates are a function of and dependent on the total pressure loss of the ventilation system to be overcome

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