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How do you know you’re having moisture problems?

How do you know you’re having moisture problems?

Our homes are increasingly well insulated, which means that moisture and mould problems can easily arise in a badly ventilated house. But how do you know that you’re having moisture problems. And what can you about them? We will bring you up to speed.

Poor ventilation

When we breathe, cook or take a shower, we produce moisture that subsequently condenses on cold surfaces around the house. The foggy bathroom mirror after a hot shower is the best proof thereof. If you don’t have a proper ventilation system, all that moisture has nowhere to go, which can have serious consequences.

Recognising moisture problems

It is vital to quickly identify moisture problems in the home. But that’s easier said than done, as moisture problems aren’t always that easy to spot. Sometimes you’re dealing with subtle symptoms that point to rising moisture. Important indications of moisture are:

-          Peeling wallpaper

-          Skirting boards coming loose, peeling layers of paint or plaster

-          A musty smell

-          Damaged joints between the flooring and the wall

-          Saltpetre formation: a white deposit on the wall caused by a combination of moisture problems and chemical substances in the groundwater

-          A high general humidity in the house (over 60 percent)

-          A hollow sound when you knock on the wall about 10 centimetres above the skirting boards

Important to know: Was your house built prior to 1950? In that case, it is very well possible that your house was not fitted with vapour barriers. Make sure to ask the previous owners about this.

Mechanical ventilation is the answer

Fortunately, there are various ways in which moisture problems can be effectively solved. A ventilation system C or D will always work. Are you renovating? In that case, decentralised ventilation is often the answer. All three systems guarantee proper ventilation and thus an excellent air quality in the house.  Please contact Vasco, and together we will decide how best to address the moisture problems in your home.