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How often should you replace the filters on your ventilation system?

How often should you replace the filters on your ventilation system?

A good ventilation system substantially improves the quality of air in your home. The filters in the system are vital to it working effectively. These remove hazardous substances and unpleasant odours but you must maintain them properly. Note: cleaning your filters is important but not enough. Sometimes, they have to be replaced.

Why are the filters in your ventilation system important?

Your ventilation system not only removes polluted air, it also brings fresh air into your home. So, the filters fulfil a very important role. They remove all of the unhealthy substances from the outdoor air that comes in. Pollen, for example, doesn't stand a chance so all allergies are kept to an absolute minimum. The filters also combat contamination of the air ducts in your system. This is important because contaminated air ducts are a breeding ground for bacteria.

How often should they be replaced?

To ensure that the filters work effectively, you must clean them regularly. Check them every three months and remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner attachment. It is also important to replace the filters every 6 months. Suffer from asthma or stubborn allergies? Then you may be better off replacing them more frequently.