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Those short, dark winter days are gradually making way for longer days with more daylight and warmer weather. Those first rays of spring sunshine work wonders for your energy levels. At the same time, spring is the perfect time of year to drive down the energy level of your home – and the matching bills in particular. Here are a few rewarding tips to save energy!
Longer days enable you to enjoy the sunlight for longer. Make the most of it! Leave your curtains open and leave the lights off for as long as you can.
The tumble dryer is a real energy-guzzler in any home, regardless of its energy label and the way in which you use the appliance. Hang out your washing to dry outdoors and you are certain to notice the difference in your energy bill. Hanging up your washing indoors is not the best idea, as it increases the humidity in your home by around thirty percent, which is anything but healthy.
Defrosting your freezer every so often is essential to put paid to pointless energy consumption. Did you know that a two-millimetre layer of ice will drive up the consumption of your freezer by as much as ten percent?
Another way of saving energy: get your bike out of the shed (or go on foot) instead of taking the car into work! Do not forget to ask your employer for your bicycle allowance.
During spring, your home stops cooling during the daytime. Instead, it starts heating up courtesy of the sun. This enables you to save on heating. Taking down your thermostat by one or two degrees will slash your heating consumption by five to fifteen percent! We will wager good money that you will not notice any difference, other than in your energy bill.